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Table 1 The Clinical Respiratory Score (CRS) is a rapidly determined, easy to use tool that takes into account the 6 parameters shown in the table

From: The clinical respiratory score predicts paediatric critical care disposition in children with respiratory distress presenting to the emergency department


Score 0

Score 1

Score 2

Respiratory Rate

Age 1–5 years: < 30

Age > 5 years: < 20

Age 1–5 years: 30–40

Age > 5 years: 20–30

Age 1–5 years: > 40

Age > 5 years: > 30


Good air movement, Expiratory scattered wheezing or loose rales/crackles

Depressed air movement, inspiratory and expiratory wheezes or rales/crackles

Diminished or absent breath sounds, severe wheezing or rales/crackles or marked prolonged expiration

Use of Accessory Muscles

Mild to no use of accessory muscles. Mild to no retractions or nasal flaring on inspiration

Moderate intercostal retractions, mild to moderate use of accessory muscles, nasal flaring.

Severe intercostal and substernal retractions, nasal flaring

Mental Status

Normal to Mildly irritable

Irritable, agitated, restless


Room Air Sp02

> 95%


< 90%



Pale to normal

Cyanotic, dusky

  1. Based on the total score obtained there can be 3 categories of respiratory distress: Mild (< 3), Moderate (4–7), Severe (8–12). (References [15,16,17])