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Table 2 Pharmacokinetic parameters after data adjustment for a model of two compartments for full population. Average ± standard deviation

From: Pharmacokinetics of ranitidine in preterm and term neonates with gastroesophageal reflux

AUC (Area under curve)

1688.9 ± 562.6 ng/mL/h

t½ of K10

1.69 ± 0.56 h

t½ α (Half life distribution)

0.3899 ± 0.129 h

t½ el (Half life elimination)

2.79 ± 0.93 h

K10 (Velocity constant)

0.9105 ± 0.34 h−1

K12 (Velocity of transference)

0.5395 ± 0.176 h−1

K21 (Velocity of transference)

1.76 ± 0.58 h−1

Vd (Volume of distribution)

1.44 ± 0.48 L/Kg

Cl (Clearance)

5.9 ± 1.96 mL/Kg/h