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Table 4 Comparison of the 24-h Holter ECG measurements between both groups

From: Evaluation of cardiac autonomic dysfunctions in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus


Group A

Group B

P value

(n = 30)

(n = 30)

MAX QTC (ms)

485 (320—692)d

510 (473—812)d


SDNN (ms)

115 (51—169)d

148,3 (± 26,27)c

 < 0,001b

SDNNI (unitless)

48,7 (± 9,75)c

68,9 (± 13,36)c

 < 0,001a


104 (43—149)d

128,2 (93—193)d

 < 0,001b

rMSSD (ms)

26 (14—60)d

43,1 (± 12,58)c

 < 0,001b

pNN50 (%)

6 (0—32)d

18,1 (± 9,43)c

 < 0,001b

TPow (Hz)

2418,8 (652,7—5713)d

4771,4 (1626—8538,5)d

 < 0,001b

VLF power (Hz)

1529,9 (370,7—3780)d

2999,2 (858—5569,8)d

 < 0,001b

LF power (Hz)

531,2 (190,4—1054)d

1095,31 (± 401,3)c

 < 0,001b

HF power (Hz)

348,6 (81,8—931,3)d

632,1 (121,6—1487,9)d


LF/HF (unitless)

2,1 (0,8—7,7)d

2,5 (0,5—9,9)d


MHR (bpm)

92,1 (± 7,79)c

81,2 (± 6,99)c

 < 0,001a

  1. Group A: Study group. Group B: Control group
  2. SDNN The standard deviation of all NN intervals, SDNNI The mean of the standard deviations of all NN intervals for all 5-min segments of the entire recording, SDANNI The standard deviation of the averages of NN intervals in all 5-min segments of the entire recording, rMSDD The square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals, pNN50 The number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms divided by the total number of all NN intervals, TPow Total power, VLF power The very low-frequency range power, LF power The low-frequency range power, HF power The high-frequency range power, MHR 24-h mean heart rate
  3. Xa: Student’s T test has been used for parametric tests
  4. Xb: Mann–Whitney U test has been used for non-parametric tests
  5. Xc: “mean” and “standard deviation” values have been indicated in parenthesis for parameters that suit normal distribution
  6. Xd: “median” and “minimum–maximum” values have been indicated in parenthesis for parameters that does not suit normal distribution