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Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of 4500 children and caretakers enrolled in a zinc dosing trial for acute diarrhoea

From: Risk factors for moderate acute malnutrition among children with acute diarrhoea in India and Tanzania: a secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial


n (%) or mean (± SD)

Study site, n (%)


2250 (50.0)


2250 (50.0)

Maternal Characteristics

 Age (years)

5.0 (± 26.8)

 Education (years)

4.1 (± 7.2)

 Education > 7 years, n (%)

1990 (44.8)

Household Characteristics

 Household wealth index above median, n (%)

2270 (50.5)

 Improved water, n (%)

4455 (99.2)

 Improved sanitation, n (%)

4463 (99.4)

Child Characteristics

 Age in months at randomization

14.9 (± 23.0)

 Age group at randomization

  6 < 12 months, n (%)

1256 (27.9)

  12 to < 24 months, n (%)

1477 (32.8)

  24 to < 60 months, n (%)

1767 (39.3)

 Male, n (%)

2345 (52.1)

 Breastfeeding on day before enrolment, n (%)

2586 (57.6)

 Rotavirus vaccination, n (%)

2238 (49.7)

 Duration of diarrhoea before enrolment

   ≤ 24 h, n (%)

165 (3.7)

  25 to 48 h, n (%)

3714 (82.5)

  49 to < 72 h, n (%)

621 (13.8)

 Number of loose or watery stools the child passed in previous 24 h

5.7 (± 2.1)

 Dysentery, n (%)

167 (3.7)

 Some dehydration, n (%)

56 (1.2)

 Axillary temperature > 38 °C, n (%)

122 (2.7)

 Observed respiratory rate > 40 breaths/min, n (%)

255 (5.7)

 Cough or difficulty breathing, n (%)

1267 (28.2)

 Previous use of antibiotics, n (%)

96 (2.1)

 Length/height-for-age z-score

1.2 (± -1.3)

 Weight-for-age z-score

1.1 (± -1.2)

 Weight-for-length/height z-score

1.0 (± -0.7)

 Mid–upper-arm circumference for age z score

1.0 (± -0.8)

 Underweight at enrolment, n (%)

1034 (23.0)

 Stunted at enrolment, n (%)

1188 (26.4)

 Wasted at enrolment run, n (%)

407 (9.0)

 Malnutrition status at enrolment

  Severe acute malnutrition, n (%)

47 (1.0)

  Moderate acute malnutrition, n (%)

593 (13.2)

  Not malnourished, n (%)

3860 (85.8)

 Plasma zinc concentration at enrolment — µg/dl

73.5 (24.9)

 Plasma zinc concentration at enrolment < 65 µg/dl, n (%)

492 (37.6)

  1. Severe acute malnutrition was defined as WHZ/WLZ <  − 3 or MUAC < 11.5 cm Moderate acute malnutrition was defined as WHZ/WLZ ≥  − 3 and <  − 2 or MUAC ≥ 11.5 cm and < 12.5 cm