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Table 3 Clinical courses before discharge

From: Short term effect of intravenous treprostinil in term and preterm infants with pulmonary hypertension


Term (n = 11)

Preterm (n = 18)

p value

Treprostinil use more than 4 weeks

3 (27.3)

4 (22.2)


Death before dischargea

2 (18.2)

11 (61.1)


Weaning from treprostinil before death or discharge

11 (100)

9 (50)


Requiring other PH medication after treprostinil than iNOb

6 (54.6)

7 (77.8)


Duration of other PH medication (days)b

73.5 [68–94]

169 [40–938]


  1. Values are expressed as n (%) or median [interquartile range]. PH, pulmonary hypertension; iNO, inhaled nitric oxide
  2. aIncluding death during 4 weeks of study period
  3. bAmong infants who could be weaned from treprostinil before death