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Table 1 Baseline maternal characteristics from children assessed at 8–10 years of age

From: Effects of an antenatal dietary intervention in women with obesity or overweight on child outcomes at 8–10 years of age: LIMIT randomised trial follow-up


Lifestyle Advice

N = 510

Standard Care

N = 505


N = 1015

Maternal age (years) at trial entry*

30.31 (5.22)

30.09 (5.01)

30.20 (5.11)

Gestational age (weeks) at trial entry+

14.21 (12.29, 16.71)

14.29 (12.00, 16.86)

14.29 (12.14, 16.86)

Study Centre#


- Women’s and Children’s Hospital

- Flinders Medical Center

- Lyell McEwin Health Service

237 (46.47)

161 (31.57)

112 (21.96)

251 (49.70)

141 (27.92)

113 (22.38)

488 (48.08)

302 (29.75)

225 (22.17)

Primiparous at trial entry#

219 (42.94)

226 (44.75)

445 (43.84)

BMI (kg/m2) at trial entry+

30.80 (27.90, 35.75)

30.10 (27.30, 34.70)

30.50 (27.50, 35.20)

BMI (kg/m2) Category#


- BMI 25.0-29.9

- BMI 30.0-34.9

- BMI 35.0-39.9

- BMI > 40.0

220 (43.14)

149 (29.22)

86 (16.86)

55 (10.78)

245 (48.51)

135 (26.73)

82 (16.24)

43 (8.51)

465 (45.81)

284 (27.98)

168 (16.55)

98 (9.66)

Public patient#

497 (97.45)

490 (97.03)

987 (97.24)

Weight (kg) at trial entry*

88.01 (17.32)

86.54 (16.89)

87.28 (17.11)

Height (cm) at trial entry*

164.76 (6.51)

165.15 (6.71)

164.95 (6.61)



- Caucasian

- Indian

- Asian

- Other


470 (92.16)

20 (3.92)

12 (2.35)

4 (0.78)

4 (0.78)

454 (89.90)

17 (3.37)

17 (3.37)

17 (3.37)

0 (0.00)

924 (91.03)

37 (3.65)

29 (2.86)

21 (2.00)

4 (0.39)

Smoking at trial entry#

46 (9.02)

42 (8.32)

88 (8.67)

SEIFA IRSD Quintile# ^


- Quintile 1(highest disadvantage)

- Quintile 2

- Quintile 3

- Quintile 4

- Quintile 5 (Least disadvantage)

- Missing

130 (25.49)

141 (27.65)

90 (17.65)

74 (14.51)

74 (14.51)

1 (0.20)

139 (27.52)

132 (26.14)

72 (14.26)

81 (16.04)

80 (15.84)

1 (0.20)

269 (26.50)

273 (26.90)

162 (15.96)

155 (15.27)

154 (15.17)

2 (0.20)

Child Sex#


- Male

- Female

259 (50.78)

251 (49.22)

255 (50.50)

250 (49.50)

514 (50.64)

501 (49.36)

Child Age (months) at Assessment+

110.00 (106.18, 117.40)

109.90 (105.97, 117.00)

109.93 (106.06, 117.26)

  1. *= mean and standard deviation
  2. += median and interquartile range
  3. #= number and %
  4. ^= Socioeconomic index as measured by SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) (Australian Bureau of Statistics)