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Table3 Descriptive characteristics of the included studies and summary of results

From: Management strategies of dental anxiety and uncooperative behaviors in children with Autism spectrum disorder

First Author (Year of Publication)

Study Design

Study Participants

Participants’ Medical Status

Dependent variables

Dental Procedure



Isong, 2014 [15]


80(7-17 years old)

Four groups with ASD Group A: control group; group B: only video peer modeling ; group C: only video goggles/DVD ; group D: B+C

Venham Anxiety and Behavior Scores

oral examination, radiographs, scaling (if needed), prophylaxis, application of fluoride

The average anxiety and behavioral scores of group C subjects decreased significantly by 0.9 points, while the average anxiety and behavioral scores of group D subjects decreased by 0.8 points in visit 1 and visit 2, respectively.

There were no significant changes in the average anxiety and behavioral scores of subjects in Group A and Group B.


Stein, 2014 [7]


44(6-12 years old)

One group with ASD One group with TD

A & C scale, Children’s Dental Behavior Rating Scale(CDBRS)

oral examination, prophylaxis (cleaning), application of fluoride.

Children with ASD had more difficulties in sensory processing, general anxiety, and dental anxiety than children with TD

Children with ASD demonstrated greater resistance and uncooperative behavior at the time of dental healthcare, compared to the TD group


Cermak,2015 [16]


44(6-12 years old)

One group with ASD in RED One group with ASD in SADE One group with TD in RED One group with TD in SADE

CDBRS scaled, A & C scale, Frankl scale, Pain intensity

Oral examination, prophylaxis(cleaning), fluoride application

The Anxiety and Cooperation scale Showed that SADE conditions could improve the relaxation and cooperation rate of the ASD group (46 % RDE to 59 % SADE) and most TD children exhibited positive dental cooperative behavior in both environmental conditions (91 and 95 % for RDE and SADE, respectively).


G.Lefer,2018 [13]


52(3-19 years old)

All Children with ASD(dental exam at the beginning baseline of the study (T0) and every two months thereafter (T1, T2, T3, and T4)

Scores of achievement (SAch), Scores of anxiety (SAnx)

Progressive dental exam: Sitting→Light shining→mouth opening→Placing a mirror into the mouth→Placing an explorer on the teeth→Placing both the mirror and explorer into the mouth

SAch scores increased significantly between T0 and T1, between T2 and T3, and between T0 and T4. For SAnx, the differences between T0 and T1 and between T0 and T4 are significant. The study sample made progress in all steps of achievement, and individuals became less anxious.


YePark, 2022 [22]


76(7-13 years old)

All Children with ASD

Abeer Children Dental Anxiety Scale (ACDAS)

The most common feeling of dental anxiety in this sample, include: "pinching" of the gums, "tooth extraction", "wearing a gas mask is necessary," and "strange taste in the mouth."

there were no significant associations between the ACDAS and any hypothetical variables in all children with ASD.


Fallea, 2022 [29]


50(9-10 years old)

All Children with ASD(Oral therapy of each participant in RED and SADE)

Treatment success rate

Treat decayed permanent tooth

The treatment success rate of SADE group is higher than that of RDE group.


  1. Abbreviations: NOS Newcastle Ottawa Scale, RCT Randomized clinical trial, CCT Controlled clinical trial, SM Split-mouth design