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Table 1 14 Landmarks selected for the study

From: Reliability and reproducibility of CBCT assessment of mandibular changes before and after treatment for Class III growing patients – an easy and quick way for evaluation

Landmark name

Anatomic region

Lateral view

Axial view

Anteroposterior view

1. Left/Right lower incisal alveolar ridge (lLIAR) / (rLIAR)

Premandbula alveolar

Anterior–Superior–most point

Anterior-most point

Middle point in the nteroposterior slice determined by the lateral and axial view

2. B point (B)

Anterior surface of the mandibular symphysis

Posterior-most point

Middle-anterior–most point on the anterior contour

Middle point in the anteroposterior slice determined by the lateral and axial views

3. Pogonion (Po)

Contour of the bony chin

Anterior-most point

Middle-anterior–most point on the anterior contour

Middle point in the anteroposterior slice determined by the lateral and axial views

4. Gnathion (Gn)

Contour of the bony chin

Anterior-inferior–most point

Middle-anterior-inferior–most point

Inferior-most point

5. Menton (ME)

Lower border or the mandible

Inferior-most point

Middle-inferior–most point

Inferior-most point

6. Left /Right mandibular gonion(lGo)/ (rGo)

Angle of the left/ right mandibular body

Middle point along the angle

Posterior-most point

Inferior-most point

7. Left/Right ramus point (lRP)/(rRP)

Posterior border of the left/ right mandibular ramus

Middle-posterior–most point between the condylar neck and the angle of the mandibular body

Middle-posterior–most point

Inferior-most point

8. Left/ Right condylion (lCo)/ (rCo)

Left /Right condyle

Superior-most point

Middle point in the axial slice level determined by the lateral and anteroposterior views

Middle-superior–most point

9. Left/Right posterior mandibular condyle(lPCo)/ (rPCo)

Left//Right condyle

Posterior-most point

Middle-posterior–most point

Middle point in the anteroposterior slice determined by the lateral and axial view