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Table 3 Prescribed fasting times in the CIMDRN cohort and in published recommendations

From: Assessing the quality and value of metabolic chart data for capturing core outcomes for pediatric medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency

Age Group

Number of patients with at least one recorded prescribed fasting timea

Prescribed fasting time in the CIMDRN cohort

Median (IQR)

Published fasting times recommendations [26]

 < 6 months


3.5 h (3.3–4.0)


6 to < 12 months


6.0 h (5.0–8.0)

8.0 h

1 to < 2 years


10.0 h (8.5–12.0)

10.0 h

 ≥ 2 years


12.0 h (10.0–12.0)

12.0 h

  1. aMedian values were calculated for children with more than one fasting prescription reported within a single age group, and only for those prescriptions with exact values provided (for example, excluding prescriptions stating only “avoidance of fasting” or “frequent feedings”)