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Table 2 Infant demographics, anthropometrics, feeding patterns and blood test results at 3 and 5 months

From: Iron deficiency in healthy, term infants aged five months, in a pediatric outpatient clinic: a prospective study




3 months

5 months

Gender, n (%)



46 (50.5)



45 (49.5)


Gestation (weeks), n (%)



34 (37.4)



22 (24.2)



27 (29.7)



8 (8.8)


Birth route, n (%)


Caesarean section

32 (35.2)


Vaginal delivery

59 (64.8)




Weight, median (IQR)

3.1 (2.8–3.4)

5.9 (5.5–6.5)

6.9 (6.4–7.6)

Length, median (IQR)

48.0 (46.5–49.0)

61.0 (58.7–62.6)

65.0 (63.5–67.0)

Head circumference, median (IQR)

33.0 (32.0–34.0)

40.0 (39.5–41.0)

42.0 (41.0–43.0)

z-score weight-for-age, median (IQR)

-0.31 (-1.06–0.17)

-0.27 (-0.75–0.34)

-0.33 (-1.1–0.26)

z-score length-for-age, median (IQR)

-0.93 (-1.52–-0.08)

0.11 (-0.52–1.20)

0.20 (-0.49–1.10)

z-score HC for age, median (IQR)

-0.76 (-1.59–-0.2)

0.24 (-0.43–0.84)

0.07 (-0.38–0.76)

z-score weight-for-length, median (IQR)

0.44 (-0.11–0.95)

-0.25 (-1.11–0.32)

-0.52 (-1.43–0.37)

Underweight (weight-for-age <-2 SD), n (%)

0/91 (0)

1/91 (1.1)

3/88 (3.4)

Stunting (length-for-age <-2 SD), n


13/91 (14.3)

2/91 (2.2)

1/88 (1.1)

Wasting (weight-for-length <-2 SD), n (%)

0/84 (0)

8/91 (8.8)

9/88 (10.2)

Severe wasting (weight-for-length <-3 SD), n (%)

0/84 (0)

3/91 (3.3)

4/88 (4.5)

Feeding pattern


 Exclusively breast feeding


42/91 (46.2)

35 (39.8)

 Mixed feeding


38/91 (41.8)

27 (30.7)

 Fully formula feeding


11/91 (12.1)

26 (29.5)

 Supplementary feeding


0/91 (0)

1 (1.1)

Blood test results


 Hb (g/l) mean (SD)


113.4 (8.1)

118.9 (8.5)

 Ferritin (µg/l), median (IQR)


113.4 (65.0–183.6)

50.9 (29.2–70.4)

 CRP (mg/l), median (IQR)


0.03 (0.00–0.12)

0.04 (0.00–0.24)

Anemia/ID /IDA




27/90 (30.0)

14/86 (16.3)



0/90 (0)

5/85 (5.9)



0/90 (0)

2/85 (2.4)

  1. Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; HC, head circumference; Hb, hemoglobin; CRP, C-reactive protein; ID iron deficiency; IDA, iron deficiency anemia
  2. ID was defined as ferritin < 12 µg/L if CRP ≤ 5 mg/L and ferritin < 30 µg/L if CRP > 5 mg/L. Anemia was defined as a hemoglobin < 110 g/L. IDA was said to occur when ID and anemia were present simultaneously