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Table 1 Example for the Health Outcomes domain, Physical health outcomes sub-domain: questions, measures, and data specifics

From: A pediatric virtual care evaluation framework and its evolution using consensus methods

Health Outcomes

Example evaluation questions

Potential measures

Data sources

Collection strategy

Basis of comparison

Physical health outcomes (i.e., measures of physiological function, signs and symptoms, laboratory (and other scientific) measures relating to the function of major organ systems, the extent of disease or disability and the provision and/or response to therapeutic interventions)

 What is the impact of virtual care on individual physiological/clinical measures of health?

Diabetes patient's Hemoglobin A1C (e.g., value, % within target), BMI (e.g., within normal range), Mortality, SSI (Surgical Site Infection) (e.g., SSI infection occurrence, frequency, rate)

Complex care pain scores (child or parent proxy, e.g., Linear VAS), feeding/swallowing performance

Patient charts

Quantitative, surveys

Data registries, literature

 What is the impact of virtual care on population level physiological/clinical measures of health?

Children/Youth with diabetes: Hemoglobin A1C (e.g., % of patients with A1C within target), BMI (% of patients with BMI SDS > 3; % of patients with increase in BMI SDS), Surgical patients: SSI (% of patients with SSI), mortality

Patient charts

Chart review, reporting tools, quantitative

Regional or provincial data registries (e.g., Canadian Institute of Health Information), established patient registries, literature

  1. BMI Body Mass Index
  2. CIHI Canadian Institute of Health Information
  3. SDS Standard Deviation Score
  4. SSI Surgical Site Infection
  5. VAS Visual Analog Scale