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Table 3 Comparison between oriented and non-oriented rectal suction biopsy (RSB) occasions analyzed for patients with aganglionosis. Overall, 32 children had aganglionosis: 19 in the oriented biopsy group and 13 in the non-oriented biopsy group. Diagnostic efficacy was defined as % of RSB occasions yielding a conclusive assessment without need for any repeated RSB occasion. First answer was defined as when the pathologist could answer whether ganglion cells were present or absent, before the full staining routine was completed. Final answer was defined as the answer after full staining routine with HE and automatically ordered G-series (HE, S100 and calretinin) with or without additional leveling performed. n (%), median (min-max)

From: Systematic orientation of fresh rectal suction biopsies improves histopathological diagnostics in hirschsprung’s disease – a method description and preliminary report



occasions with oriented biopsies (n = 20)


occasions with non-oriented biopsies (n = 15)


Diagnostic efficacy

19/20 (95)

9/15 (60)


First answer

11/20 (55)

5/15 (33)


Time from biopsy to first answer (working days)

2 (2–3)

n = 11

3 (2–8)

n = 5


Time from biopsy to final answer (working days)

4 (2–8)

n = 20

5 (2–14) n = 15


High-quality specimens/total number of specimens

28/59 (47)

7/50 (14)


Number of biopsy occasions with deeper levels ordered after the automatically ordered G-series

7/20 (35)

5/15 (33)


Number of levels ordered after the automatically ordered G-series

9 (3–26)

22 (11–44)
