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Table 2 Comparison of outcome between oriented and non-oriented fresh rectal suction biopsy (RSB) specimens per biopsy occasion. Diagnostic efficacy was defined as % of RSB occasions yielding a conclusive assessment without need for any repeated RSB. First answer was defined as when the pathologist could answer whether ganglion cells were present or absent, before finishing the G-series (HE, calretinin and S-100). Final answer was defined as answer after full staining routine with HE and automatically ordered G-series. n (%), median (min-max)

From: Systematic orientation of fresh rectal suction biopsies improves histopathological diagnostics in hirschsprung’s disease – a method description and preliminary report


Oriented RSB occasions n = 37

Non-oriented RSB occasions n = 44


Diagnostic efficacy n (%)

36/37 (97)

38/44 (86)


First answer n (%)

20/37 (54)

9/44 (20)


Time from biopsy to first answer (working days)

2 (1–5)

n = 20

3 (2–8)

n = 9


Time from biopsy to final answer (working days)

4 (2–8)

n = 37

5 (2–14)

n = 44


High-quality RSB specimen/total number of specimens

42/106 (40)

34/136 (25)


Number of biopsy occasions with deeper leveling ordered after the automatically ordered G-series

14/37 (38)

9/44 (20)


Number of levels ordered after the automatically ordered G-series n (range)

8 (3–26)

16 (7–72)


  1. 1 Fisher’s exact test, two-sided. 2 Mann-Whitney U-test, two-tailed