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Table 2 The characteristics of adolescents aged 12–19 years

From: Association between diet quality scores and risk of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents


Total (n = 5934)

Underweight and normal group (n = 3484)

Overweight group (n = 1056)

Obesity group (n = 1394)



Age, years, Mean ± SD

15.47 ± 2.28

15.54 ± 2.26

15.46 ± 2.31

15.33 ± 2.28

F = 4.079


Sex, n (%)


χ2 = 8.576



3037 (51.18)

1828 (52.47)

500 (47.35)

709 (50.86)



2897 (48.82)

1656 (47.53)

556 (52.65)

685 (49.14)


Race, n (%)


χ2 = 60.495

 < 0.001

 Mexican American

1487 (25.06)

791 (22.70)

293 (27.75)

403 (28.91)


 Other Hispanic

553 (9.32)

332 (9.53)

96 (9.09)

125 (8.97)


 Non-Hispanic White

1709 (28.80)

1076 (30.88)

294 (27.84)

339 (24.32)


 Non-Hispanic Black

1561 (26.31)

867 (24.89)

283 (26.80)

411 (29.48)


 Other Race

624 (10.52)

418 (12.00)

90 (8.52)

116 (8.32)


PIR, M (Q1, Q3)

1.61 (0.85, 3.22)

1.73 (0.89, 3.50)

1.56 (0.85, 3.10)

1.39 (0.78, 2.75)

χ2 = 3174.790

 < 0.001

Height, cm, Mean ± SD

165.33 ± 9.94

165.13 ± 10.17

164.93 ± 9.49

166.14 ± 9.63

F = 6.208


Weight, kg, Mean ± SD

67.14 ± 20.40

56.11 ± 10.74

70.05 ± 10.68

92.52 ± 21.04

F = 3467.562

 < .001

BMI, kg/m2, Mean ± SD

24.37 ± 6.35

20.42 ± 2.39

25.62 ± 2.06

33.30 ± 5.84

F = 6901.474

 < .001

Cotinine, ng/ml, M (Q1, Q3)

0.04 (0.01, 0.43)

0.04 (0.01, 0.35)

0.04 (0.01, 0.47)

0.06 (0.02, 0.61)

χ2 = 3174.790

 < 0.001

Total energy, kcal, M (Q1, Q3)

1917.00 (1481.00, 2468.50)

2012.50 (1571.75, 2576.25)

1833.00 (1382.00, 2371.75)

1766.25 (1336.00, 2286.00)

χ2 = 3174.790

 < 0.001

Physical activity, MET· min, M (Q1, Q3)

680.00 (240.00, 1300.00)

720.00 (249.75, 1320.00)

665.00 (240.00, 1410.00)

600.00 (229.50, 1200.00)

χ2 = 3174.790

 < 0.001

HEI-2015, Mean ± SD

47.25 ± 11.32

47.30 ± 11.24

47.10 ± 11.28

47.26 ± 11.54

F = 0.129


AHEI-2010, Mean ± SD

29.17 ± 8.10

29.13 ± 8.18

29.34 ± 7.99

29.15 ± 7.99

F = 0.273


MedDiet, M (Q1, Q3)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

χ2 = 3174.790

 < 0.001

  1. PIR Poverty-income ratio, BMI Body mass index, MET Metabolic equivalent, HEI-2015 Healthy Eating Index 2015, AHEI -2010 Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010, MedDiet Mediterranean Diet