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Table 1 The characteristics of children aged 2–11 years

From: Association between diet quality scores and risk of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents


Total (n = 9724)

Underweight and normal group (n = 6584)

Overweight group (n = 1407)

Obesity group (n = 1733)



Age, years, M (Q1, Q3)

6.00 (4.00, 9.00)

6.00 (3.00, 8.00)

7.00 (5.00, 10.00)

8.00 (6.00, 10.00)

χ2 = 2648.757

 < 0.001

Sex, n (%)


χ2 = 2.711



4890 (50.29)

3333 (50.62)

679 (48.26)

878 (50.66)



4834 (49.71)

3251 (49.38)

728 (51.74)

855 (49.34)


Race, n (%)


χ2 = 142.034

 < 0.001

 Mexican American

2342 (24.08)

1431 (21.73)

393 (27.93)

518 (29.89)


 Other Hispanic

912 (9.38)

561 (8.52)

151 (10.73)

200 (11.54)


 Non-Hispanic White

3041 (31.27)

2199 (33.40)

404 (28.71)

438 (25.27)


 Non-Hispanic Black

2334 (24.00)

1552 (23.57)

336 (23.88)

446 (25.74)


 Other Race

1095 (11.26)

841 (12.77)

123 (8.74)

131 (7.56)


PIR, M (Q1, Q3)

1.47 (0.78, 3.00)

1.55 (0.81, 3.22)

1.41 (0.78, 2.90)

1.27 (0.74, 2.37)

χ2 = 2648.757

 < 0.001

Maternal smoking during pregnancy, n (%)


χ2 = 14.889

 < 0.001


1220 (12.55)

799 (12.14)

157 (11.16)

264 (15.23)



8504 (87.45)

5785 (87.86)

1250 (88.84)

1469 (84.77)


Height, cm, Mean ± SD

121.31 ± 19.98

117.34 ± 19.26

126.40 ± 19.20

132.29 ± 18.17

F = 480.741

 < 0.001

Weight, kg, M (Q1, Q3)

24.15 (17.50, 34.60)

20.70 (15.80, 27.90)

30.70 (21.60, 41.30)

42.70 (29.70, 55.80)

χ2 = 2648.757

 < 0.001

BMI, kg/m2, Mean ± SD

17.82 ± 3.75

15.92 ± 1.35

19.20 ± 1.74

23.90 ± 4.19

F = 9441.430

 < 0.001

Total energy, kcal, Mean ± SD

1738.39 ± 545.64

1700.51 ± 525.71

1805.99 ± 554.15

1827.45 ± 595.45

F = 50.254

 < 0.001

HEI-2015, Mean ± SD

52.19 ± 11.45

52.61 ± 11.44

51.49 ± 11.30

51.15 ± 11.51

F = 14.207

 < 0.001

AHEI-2010, Mean ± SD

30.99 ± 7.66

31.36 ± 7.63

30.58 ± 7.76

29.91 ± 7.55

F = 27.002

 < 0.001

MedDiet, M (Q1, Q3)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

3.00 (2.00, 4.00)

2.00 (1.00, 4.00)

χ2 = 2648.757

 < 0.001

  1. PIR Poverty-income ratio, BMI Body mass index, HEI-2015 Healthy Eating Index 2015, AHEI -2010 Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010, MedDiet Mediterranean Diet