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Table 2 CRP performance <=6 hours vs. > 6 hours from symptoms onset in NICU patients undergoing sepsis workup

From: Time from symptom onset may influence C-reactive protein utility in the diagnosis of bacterial infections in the NICU



% (95%CI)







Post-test probability,%


<= 6 hrs

N = 74

* 1 mg/dL

0.7 (0.52,0.89)

64 (39–84)

80 (68–88)

3.2 (1.7–6)

38 (24–54)

>  6 hrs

N = 51

*1.5 mg/dL

0.87 (0.75,1)

100 (64–100)

64 (49–76)

2.8 (1.9–4)

35 (25–45)

  1. Pretest probability = 16%
  2. CI confidence interval, AUC area under the ROC curve, CRP C-reactive protein, +LR positive likelihood ratio
  3. *Cut-off value