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Table 2 Upper secondary school programs, completion of upper secondary school, and achievements of basic eligibility for college/university

From: Celiac disease and upper secondary school achievement in Sweden A retrospective cohort study


Celiac disease population,n (%)

Non-celiac disease population,n (%)


Upper secondary school program

  University preparing programs

1 325 (45.8)

289 500 (45.3)


  Vocational preparing programs

870 (30.1)

200 455 (31.3)


  National recruitment programs, Introduction programs, and specialized/private school—which could be both university and vocational preparing programs

695 (24.1)

149 506 (23.4)


Completion of Upper secondary school


367 (11.3)

91 354 (12.5)



2 890 (88.7)

639 463 (87.5)


Achieved basic eligibility for college/ university


238 (8.2)

60 513 (9.5)



2 652 (91.8)

578 950 (90.5)
