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Table 3 Summary of the pediatric first aid training program

From: Enhancing pre-school teachers’ competence in managing pediatric injuries in Pemba Island, Zanzibar


Week I

Week IV

30 min

Session 1: Overview of first aid and first aid Kit

Method: Brainstorming, group works, Discussions and walking through the guide

90 min

Session 4: First aid management of a child with fainting

Method: Brainstorming, group works, Discussions and walking through the guide


30 min

Overview of the first aid resources/kits

Method: Brainstorming, group works, Discussion and working through the guide


Week II

Week V

90 min

Session 2: First aid management of a child with a fracture

Method: Video, Demonstrations and practices

90 min

Session 5: First aid management of the child with open and punctured wound

Method: Video, Demonstrations and practices



Week III

Week VI

90 min

Session 3: First aid management of a child with Hypoglycemia/Fainting

Method: Video, Demonstrations and practices

90 min

Session 6: First aid management of the child who sustained drowning

Method: Video, Demonstrations and practices


30 min

Week VII:Administration of Post-test
