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Table 1 Demographic and procedural characteristics of the study cohort

From: Comparison of cerebral oxygen desaturation events between children under general anesthesia and chloral hydrate sedation - a randomized controlled trial


GA with surgery (n = 29)

GA without surgery (n = 21)

CHS (n = 31)

Age (months)

15 (6–23 [3–36])

10 (5–21 [2–34])

8 (4–19.5 [1–31])

Weight (kg)

10 (7.2–12 [5.1–19])

9 (6.8–12 [5–17])

8 (7–10.9 [4.5–16.8])

Sex; female n (%)

10 (34.5)

8 (38.1)

11 (35.5)

Duration of procedures (min)

194.0 (171–204 [127–282])

169.0 (145–206 [55–256])

114.0 (100–143 [70–168])

  1. Values are expressed as median (interquartile range [range]) or numbers and percentages. There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics between the groups (age: GA with surgery vs. GA without surgery p = 0.807, GA with surgery vs. CHS p = 0.597; GA without surgery vs. CHS p = 0.807). The procedures were significant shorter in children undergoing sedation (p < 0.01). GA general anesthesia; CHS chloral hydrate sedation