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Table 2 Quotes theme 1 Causes of complaints

From: “One time I fell, but I didn’t have to cry.” A qualitative study on everyday physical complaints in children

Interview quotes (I: Interviewer; P: participant)

Quote 4 – Girl, age 5

I: Hmmm. But he’s got a bit of a tummy ache too.

P: Yes. Because there’s a baby in his tummy.

I: Yeah. Are there any other things that give you a tummy ache?

P: Yes, if you eat lots of sugar.

I: You can get a tummy ache from that. Is there anything else that could give you a tummy ache?

P: Sweets. And if you eat a lot. And if you, um, run a lot then um, then um, then the tummy becomes s- um, um, um soft again.

I: Yes. Yeah. Hey and did you ever have a tummy ache?

P: Yes, very often.

Quote 5 – Boy, age 5

I: Yes. Hey and what could be wrong with Iggy's tummy?

P: I don't know.

I: No. If you have a tummy ache, why do you think that is?

P: Maybe sickness or just that you have a little tummy ache. That you need to eat. Or drink.

Quote 6 – Boy, age 5

I: Hey and um, Iggy over here, has his first day of school today. Is it possible to get a tummy ache from that?

P: (nods head)

I: Yes?

P: Because you're nervous about it.

Quote 7 – Boy, age 5

P: Then we went, I went to play soccer with my grandpa in the street. But then I fell over.

I: Really?

P: Because they, some tiles are higher than the others, so then I tripped over one.

I: Hmm-mm. And then?

P: Then I had blood on my knee.

I: On your knee. And then what happened?

P: Had to get a band-aid on it.

Quote 8 – Boy, age 5

P: But! I did have blood once, here. (shows finger)

I: Yes, I see it! I can still see it on your finger!

P: Yes, that was a very long time ago. That was because of ‘X’ (name of peer)

I: What happened with ‘X’ then?

P: No with me!

I: Oh. What was there-. But what did it have to do with ‘X’?

P: Well, went super fast on my bike AND he cut my finger, really badly!