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Table 1 Configurations and Variables Tested – commercially available devices and improvised modifications

From: Testing positive pressure delivered from commercial and WHO-style pediatric bubble CPAP devices


Air Flow Source

bCPAP Chamber

Tested Device Tubing

Patient Interfaces Tested

Commercially Available Devices

Fisher & Paykel (F&P)

Standard high-flow/high pressure air/oxygen wall interface

F&P bubble CPAP chamber (F&P# BC100)

F&P bCPAP tubing

• F&P Nasal Prongs

• F&P Nasal Masks

• Standard Resuscitation Mask


Internal air flow pump +/− supplemental low-flow O2

Pumani bubble CPAP chamber

• Standard Pumani tubing

• Standard Pumani tubing + F&P Flexitrunk™ connector

• Pumani Nasal Prongs

• F&P Nasal Masks

• Sleepweaver™ BIPAP mask

WHO-Style Devices


Standard low-flow wall oxygen flow-meter (1–10 lpm)

F&P bubble CPAP chamber

Pediatric & Adult size CareFusion AirLife™ nasal cannulae

Cut nasal cannulae

Improvised WHO

Standard low-flow wall oxygen flow-meter (1–10 lpm)

F&P bubble CPAP chamber

F&P bCPAP tubing

High flow nasal cannula (West Med)

Standard low-flow wall oxygen flow-meter (1–10 lpm)

F&P bubble CPAP chamber

Pumani tubing

Pumani Nasal Prongs