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Table 3 Multivariable analysis of Cluster of Under immunization of children 12 to 23 months old, Butajira HDSS, Southern Ethiopia, April, 2016 (n = 375)

From: Spatial distribution of under immunization among children 12–23 months old in Butajira HDSS, southern Ethiopia


COR with 95% CI

AOR with 95% CI, P Value

Wealth index

P value = 0.0466






0.44 [0.22,0.87]

0.83 [0.37,1.88], P = 0.661


0.66 [0.3,1.46]

0.59 [0.25,1.456], P = 0.257


1.0 [0.49, 2.06]

0.93 [0.41, 2.13], P = 0.87

School attendance

P value = 0.0032






2.24 [1.29, 3.9]

1.34 [0.69, 2.58], P = 0.39

Mothers main occupation

P value = 0.1891






2.06 [0.89,4.75]

1.87 [075, 4.69], P = 0.181

 Others (Gov.Emp, Farmer, Laborer)

2.06 [0.53,7.98]

1.97 [0.43, 9.08], P = 0.387

Knowledge about VPD

P value = 0.0725






0.41 [0.14, 1.2]

0.97 [0.26,3.56], P = 0.963

Source of information about VPD

P value = 0.0417


 Health professionals




0.42 [0.18,0.98]

0.62 [0.25,1.55], P = 0.308

 Neighbors or Friends/school

0.49 [0.2, 1.23]

0.77 [0.28,2.08], P = 0.604

Mothers TT vaccination

P value = 0.0084






2.2 [1.19, 4.06]

2.21 [1.06,4.63], P = 0.035*

Availability of child vaccination card at home

P value = 0.0002






3.54 [1.69, 7.39]

2.15 [0.95, 4.88], P = 0.066

Place of birth of last pregnancy

P value = 0.0000


 Health care setup (Hospital, Health center or Health post)



 Home or TBA

6.43 [3.48, 11.88]

5.1 [2.56,10.1], P < 0.001***

  1. * P Value statistically significant below 0.05
  2. ** P Value statistically significant below 0.01
  3. *** P Value statistically significant below 0.001