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Table 1 Primary and Secondary outcome measures and assessment method

From: Adolescent Interventions to Manage Self-Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes (AIMS-T1D): randomized control trial study protocol


Assessment method

Primary outcomes

 Future orientation

  Delay discounting 5-trial task

Behavioral task

  Consideration of future consequences scale


  NIH toolbox self-efficacy scale

Parent and self-report

 Emotion regulation

  Structured interview for disorders of extreme stress affect dysregulation scale


  Positive and negative affect schedule


  NIH toolbox perceived stress survey

Parent and self-report

 Executive function

  Forward/Backward digit span task

Behavioral task

  Go-No/Go task

Behavioral task

  Behavior rating inventory of executive functioning, 2nd Ed.

Parent and self-report

Secondary outcomes

 Blood glucose monitoring

Diabetes device

 Insulin administration adherence

Diabetes device

 Self-care inventory revised

Parent and self-report