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Table 3 Responses in terms of HHFNC guidelines, options for respiratory support and application of supportive therapy on the wards

From: A nationwide survey on the use of heated humidified high flow oxygen therapy on the paediatric wards in the UK: current practice and research priorities


Working in hospitals with HDU (n = 164, %)

Working in hospitals with no HDU (n = 54, %)


Decisions to start HHFNC by Paediatricians, n (%)

60 (36.6)

38 (70.3)


Availability of guidelines for HHFNC, n (%)

127 (77.4)

27 (50)


Proportion of patients using HHFNC on the ward, n (%)

 < 1%

21 (12.8)

14 (6)



47 (28.6)

22 (40.7)



34 (20.7)

1 (1.8)



12 (7.3)

1 (1.8)


 > 20%

2 (1.2)

9 (16.7)


 HHFNC not used on my ward

9 (5.5)

6 (11.1)


 Don’t know

39 (23.7)

1 (1.8)


Available options for respiratory support on the ward (including HDU), n (%)

 Low Flow O2

164 (100)

54 (100)



155 (95)

47 (87)


 CPAP and/or BLPAP

152 (92.7)a

15 (27.7)b


 Established LTV

111 (67.7)c



Supportive Therapy

 Aerosol therapy, n (%)

  MDI therapy without stopping HHFNC

13 (7.9)

4 (7.4)


  MDI therapy, HHFNC is temporarily stopped

12 (7.3)

4 (7.4)


  Nebulised therapy without stopping HHFNC

101 (61.6)

31 (57.4)


  Nebulised therapy, HHFNC is temporarily stopped

5 (3)



  I don’t know

15 (9.1)

7 (12.9)


 NGT insertion, n (%)


26 (15.8)

6 (11.1)


  Most of the times

84 (51.2)

22 (40.7)



23 (14)

11 (20.3)



7 (4)

4 (7.4)


 Feeding while on HHFNC, n (%)

  Strictly NBM

5 (3)

6 (11.1)


  May start NG/NJ feed

108 (69.5)

24 (46.2)


  May start oral feed

17 (10.3)

12 (22.2)


 Sedationd, n (%)



74 (45.1)

33 (61.1)


  Rarely, sometimes

65 (39.6)

10 (18.5)


  Most of the times

3 (1.8)






  1. aCPAP on the ward and BLPAP on HDU, bCPAP only, cHDU only, dChloral hydrate was the most commonly used sedative, N/A Not applicable, NS Not significant