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Table 3 Process evaluation

From: Effect of complementary feeding behavior change communication delivered through community-level actors on the time of initiation of complementary foods in rural communities of West Gojjam zone, Northwest Ethiopia: a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Data sources

Process indicators


1. Assess whether the intervention activities are implemented as planned

 Activity logs

•Number of training sessions including cooking demonstrations held with WDA leaders

•Number of visual materials distributed to WDA leaders

•Number of training sessions including cooking demonstration held with mothers

•Number of visual materials distributed to mothers


2. Evaluate the performance of WDA leaders

 Attendance records

•Number of recruited WDA leaders

•Number of WDA leaders trained

•Number of home visits conducted by WDA leaders

Dose delivered (exposure)

3. Evaluate the extent to which the intervention reached the intended mothers and family members

 Attendance records

•Number of recruited mother-infant pairs

•Number of mothers trained

•Number of mothers attended home visits

•Number of family members attended home visits

Dose delivered (exposure)