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Table 4 Number of acute rejection episodes in relation to the different gene polymorphisms

From: CYP and SXR gene polymorphisms influence in opposite ways acute rejection rate in pediatric patients with renal transplant



N° of acute rejection episodes


AG (n = 12) (24.4%)

5* (41.6%)

GG (n = 37) (75.5%)

3 (1.0%)


AA (n = 43) (87.7%)

7 (16.2%)

AG (n = 6) (12.2%)

1 (16.6%)

SXR A7635G

AA (n = 16) (32.6%)

2 (12.5%)

AG (n = 24) (48.9%)

6 (25.0%)

GG (n = 9) (18.3%)

0* (0.0%)

SXR RS rs3842689

In/in (n = 19) (38.7%)

3 (12.9%)

In/del (n = 22) (44.8%)

4 (18.1%)

Del/del (n = 8) (16.32%)

1 (12.5%)

ABCB1 C1236T

CC (n = 18) (36.7%)

3 (16.6%)

CT (n = 19) (38.7%)

2 (10.5%)

TT (n = 12) (24.4%)

3 (0.25%)

ABCB1 G2677T/A

GG (n = 16) (32.6%)

2 (12.5%)

GT/A (n = 26) (53.0%)

5 (19.2%)

TT (n = 7) (14.2%)

1 (14.2%)

ABCB1 C3435T

CC (n = 15) (30.6%)

4 (26.6%)

CT (n = 24) (48.9%)

2 (8.3%)

TT (n = 10) (20.4%)

2 (20.0%)

  1. * p-value < 0.05 at Fisher exact test