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Table 4 Results of unadjusted and adjusted logistic regressions of the association between UDNs and developmental vulnerability

From: Association between severe unaddressed dental needs and developmental health at school entry in Canada: a cross-sectional study


Unadjusted OR (95% CI)

Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Overall vulnerability

9.802 (8.881–10.819)

8.434 (7.601–9.358)

Physical health & well-being

9.957 (9.184–10.794)

8.272 (7.588–9.019)

Social competence

6.930 (6.399–7.506)

5.380 (4.926–5.877)

Emotional maturity

5.812 (5.367–6.295)

4.584 (4.198–5.007)

Language and cognitive development

8.557 (7.897–9.273)

6.582 (6.030–7.185)

Communication skills & general knowledge

8.876 (8.190–9.621)

7.559 (6.909–8.270)

  1. Note. All analyses were statistically significant at p < .001. Adjustment was performed for age, sex, special needs, E/FSL, and area-level SES; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval