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Table 1 Characteristics of patients diagnosed with enteroviral meningitis

From: Clinical characteristics of enteroviral meningitis without pleocytosis in children: a retrospective single center observational study in the Republic of Korea


Patients diagnosed with enteroviral meningitis

(N = 305)

Clinical characteristics

 Age, monthsa

47.0 (1.0–78.0)

 Male, n (%)

189 (62.0%)

 Fever, n (%)

295 (96.7%)

 Headache, n (%)

158 (51.8%)

 Vomiting, n (%)

134 (43.9%)

 Seizure, n (%)

5 (1.6%)

Meningeal irritation, n (%)


197 (64.6%)


18 (5.9%)


90 (29.5%)

Laboratory characteristics

 Peripheral WBC (/mm3)a

9500 (6900 - 11,950)

 ANC (/mm3)a

5589 (3375.8 – 88,804.0)

 CRP (mg/dl)a

0.7 (0.3–1.2)

 CSF WBC (/mm3)a

5 (2–40)

 CSF ANC (/mm3)a

0.0 (0.0–11.4)

 CSF RBC (/mm3)a

2 (0.0–15.8)

 CSF protein (mg/dl)a

37.0 (26.0–53.9)

 CSF/Serum glucose ratioa

0.6 (0.5–0.6)

  1. WBC white blood cell, ANC absolute neutrophil Count, CRP c-reactive protein, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, RBC red blood cell
  2. a median (Interquartile range)