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Table 3 Disposition and mortality of undernourished of children under five years

From: Undernourished children presenting to an urban emergency department of a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a prospective descriptive study

Clinical variables

Undernourished children n/N a (%)

Admitted to the ward

104/146 (71.2)

Discharge from ED

39/146 (26.7)

Died in ED

3/146 (2.1)

24-h hospital mortality

4/137 (2.9)

48-h hospital mortality

6/137 (4.4)

30-day hospital mortality

18/135 (13.3)

  1. aN = total patients with followup at each given time period. N was 146 on day of enrolment and N = 137 at 24- and 48-h, and N = 135 at 30 day followup