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Table 1 Characteristics of the mothers enrolled in the study

From: HLA A*32 is associated to HIV acquisition while B*44 and B*53 are associated with protection against HIV acquisition in perinatally exposed infants


Age (Years for mothers, weeks for babies)

CD4 (cells/ml)

Viral load (Log10 RNA copies/ml)


 T (n = 42)

27.1 ± 6.4

446.5 (62–880)

4.48 (ND-5.08)

 NT (n = 64)

29.1 ± 4.4

448.5 (250–756)

3.8 (ND-4.94)

 Controls (n = 50)

27.1 ± 6.5




 EI (n = 42)

21.1 ± 13.8

1724.5 (621–3050)

4.38 (2.5–8.1)

 ENI (n = 30)

11.2 ± 7.9



 healthy (n = 50)

25.9 ± 14.4



  1. Continuous variables are presented as (Mean ± SD) and [median (range)]. ND: stands for Non Detectable
  2. T transmitter, NT non-transmitter, EI exposed infected, ENI exposed non-infected; / non applicable