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Table 1 Birth-related factors, side preference, and infant care factors reported by intervention and control group parents

From: Nonsynostotic plagiocephaly: a child health care intervention in Skaraborg, Sweden


Intervention group

Control group

n = 176

n = 92

Birth-related factors


95 (54%)

50 (54%)

 birth weight (g)

3623 (2405–4870)

3638 (2425–5010)

 gestational age (wks)

40 (36–43)

40 (35–43)

 breach birth

1 (1%)

1 (1%)

 vacuum-assisted delivery

20 (11%)

10 (11%)


70 (40%)

38 (41%)


6 (3%)

2 (2%)

 born with a flat spot

8 (5%)

2 (2%)

Side preference at 2 months

78 (44%)

33 (36%)

Care factors at 2 months

 solely bottle-fed

36 (21%)

32 (35%)

estimated time spent daily (min.)

 in infant car seat

17 (0–240)

15 (0–150)

 in infant bouncer

55 (0–480)

33 (0–580)

 in stationary infant activity center

0 (0–270)

13 (0–180)

 total daily time in positional devices (min.)

83 (0–480)

96 (0–590)

n (%) or medians (min-max)