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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: The BabySeq project: implementing genomic sequencing in newborns

Inclusion criteria:

 Infants born at BWH and admitted to the Well Newborn Nursery, or to the BCH or BWH ICU

 At least one biological parent to have genetic counseling, donate DNA, and provide consent for testing the infant

Exclusion criteria:

 Parents are non-English speaking

 Parents unwilling to have genomic reports placed in the medical record or sent to their primary care pediatrician

 Mother or father younger than 18 years of age

 Mother or father with impaired decisional capacity

 Age of infant is older than 42 days

 One of a multiple gestation

 Any infant in which clinical considerations preclude drawing 1.0 ml of blood

 Clinical exome ordered before the time of enrollment

 Missing consent of either biological parent (if known) or rearing parent (if applicable)