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Table 2 Descriptive statistics for the main model variables

From: The role of peer victimization in the physical activity and screen time of adolescents: a cross-sectional study


Females (n = 8904)

Males (n = 9243)

Weight status – count (%)


7189 (80.7)

6312 (68.3)*


1715 (19.3)

2931 (31.7)

Peer victimization – count (%)


7012 (79.2)

7781 (85.0)*

 At least once in the past 30 days

1841 (20.8)

1371 (15.0)

Daily screen time – mean hours/day (SD)

4.500 (2.675)

5.231 (2.729)*

Daily MVPA – mean hours/day (SD)

1.758 (1.146)

2.175 (1.262)*

  1. MVPA moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
  2. Differences by gender tested via chi-square tests of independence (weight status, peer victimization), and independent samples t-tests (screen time, MVPA)
  3. Numbers in the table may not tally to the total N due to missing data
  4. *indicates significant differences (p < .05) between females and males