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Table 2 Recommendations for improving communication and interaction

From: Healthcare professionals’ and parents’ experiences of the confirmatory testing period: a qualitative study of the UK expanded newborn screening pilot

A summary of emerging recommendations and areas for future research


• Awareness raising of the ENBS conditions amongst parents, the public and wider HCP community.

Initial contact

• Development of exemplar communication scripts for the first call to parents to relay screening results and / or arrange an appointment; co-design of content with parents and HCPs.

• Ensure direct contact between a specialist and the family the same day the parents are notified of the positive screening result

• Ensure access to advice and support during the period spent waiting for a meeting with a specialist.

• Development of information related to true and false positive results to be received by parents at the point of an initial screening result being relayed; co-design of content with parents and HCPs.

• Ensure the availability of a neutral translator for relaying the information to parents whose first language is not English.

Waiting for a confirmatory diagnosis

• Rapid turnaround of confirmatory results, ensuring that accurate timeframes are given to the parents.

• Ensure access to support systems during the waiting period.

• Provision of clear, actionable information in verbal, written and online mobile formats that can be easily shared.

• Provide clear guidance and maternal support around breastfeeding.

• Encourage personal support from a friend or wider family especially if there is only one parent available.

Long-term support

• Ensure availability and referral to psychological support where required once a diagnosis is reached.

• Development of a toolkit that provides condition specific information for non-specialist clinicians to provide support to families from the screening test onwards.

• Development of an online self-management resource for parents that provides condition specific information and support for parents from screening through to ongoing condition management.

System support mechanisms

• Consider how a consistent approach and service can be offered to support families and embed evidence-based guidelines whilst taking into account local context and resources.

• Review the resource implications of screen positives and conditions identified through screening, to make recommendations regarding resource allocation.

• Consideration of adaptable workload models and scheduling to cater for the management of screen positive cases whilst minimising the impact on the HCPs involved.

Future research

• Explore factors affecting diagnostic acceptance and how these factors can be affected by clinical interactions.

• Explore psychological interventions to support family relationships whilst managing a child with a long-term condition.