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Table 6 Percentage of participants who correctly answered the questions in the prevention section

From: Awareness of food allergies: a survey of pediatricians in Kuwait



Dietary restriction during pregnancy and lactation protects against food allergy development in newborn infants


Delay of introduction of solid foods after 4 months of age in high risk infants reduces the risk of developing a food allergy


Exclusive breast-feeding may help to prevent a food allergy


For infants at risk for a food allergy who are not exclusively breast-fed, the use of hydrolyzed infant formulas instead of cow’s milk formula has a preventive effect on atopic disease and cow’s milk protein allergy


Is early introduction of cow milk formula in newborns associated with an increase in the risk of developing a food allergy?


It is highly recommended to use probiotics as supplements for neonates as a way to prevent allergies


The use of soy or amino acid formula early in life prevents the development of a food allergy
