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Table 1 Summary of included cases

From: Imperforate anus with rectopenile fistula: a case report and systematic review of the literature



Age of Diagnosis

Type of Fistula

Level of rectum (distance to skin)


Management of fistula

Associated anomalies


Ohno et al.


6 months

parallel to the urethra from the rectal pouch to the spongy urethra

Below the ischium (1 cm)

Transverse colostomy, ASARP, colostomy clousure

Severed from the rectum and ligated

Right aortic arch

Vesicoureteral reflux, constipation

Kumar et al.


18 months

between the anal canal and the skin in the peno-scrotal junction, with a small portion of common channel in the penile urethra


Anoplasty, colostomy + fistula excision



Shah et al.


9 months

From the rectum to the ventral aspect of the penis, no communication with urethra


Transverse colostomy, PSARP, colostomy closure

Ligated, distal part was kept undisturbed

Solitary kidney


Currarino et al.


9 months

extending from rectum to cutaneous orifice near the penoscrotal junction, with communication with the bulbar urethra

Below the ischial line

Perineal anoplasty, descending colostomy, fistula excision


Bifid scrotum, mild sacral anomalies

Urinary tract infection


2 days

A long rectocutaneous fistula open on the undersurface of the penis, communicating with the bulbar urethra

Below the ischial line

Colostomy, sacroperineal rectal pull-through with ligation of rectal fistula, colostomy closure, excision of urethrocutaneous fistula


Bifid scrotum


Takamatsu et al.


11 months

Fistula between the anorectum and anterior urethra

below the I line

Sigmoid colostomy, perineal anoplasty and revision of the fistula


Bifida scrotum, hypospadias, right undescended testicle, right hydronephrosis, congenital heart disease



Fistula between the anorectum and anterior urethra

Below the I line

Sigmoid colostomy, revision of fistula and perineal anoplasty


Asano et al.


3 months

Fistula from rectum and open in the ventral surface of the penis, communication with urethra

Under the skin

Cutback procedure, excision of the fistula

  1. ASARP: anterior sagittal anorectoplasty; PSARP: posterior sagittal anorectoplasty