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Table 2 Emergent themes and subthemes from the semi-structured interviews

From: Perceived barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity for children with disability: a qualitative study



Theme 1 There are similarities and differences between children with disability and children with typical development

 Longer to develop skills

Positive encouragement from others

 Lack of physical skill

One-on-one instruction

 Frustration or loss of confidence when child compares self to peers

Children that are motivated to keep fit

Happy-go-lucky, confident child

 It’s harder as children get older

Naturally active child

 Need extra support to participate


 Extra costs associated with raising a child with disability


Theme 2 People make the difference

 Parents lack knowledge or means

Proactive parents

 Lack of practical instructor training

Skilled instructors

 Negative societal attitudes towards disability

Peer acceptance

Understand disability

 Disability a low priority

Inclusive policies & programs

 Parents doubt child’s safety or ability

Family involvement

 Parental exhaustion


Theme 3 One size does not fit all…it’s about choice

 Children and parents are not asked about how they can participate

Inclusive pathways

Fun & sense of success

 Lack of transport



Local activities

 Lack of activities

Meaningful, appropriate activities

 One-off programs

Opportunities at school

 Waiting lists


 No quorum


Theme 4 Communication and connections between stakeholders

 Poor advertising of programs

Word of mouth between parents

 Difficulty for program providers finding families

Special schools provide information on activity

 Limited partnerships between sectors

Partnerships between schools, activity providers, disability groups and councils