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Table 2 Anthropometry and body composition of HEU and HUU children at follow-up a

From: Growth and health outcomes at school age in HIV-exposed, uninfected Zambian children: follow-up of two cohorts studied in infancy



HEU not confirmed HIV-positive

HEU confirmed HIV-negative


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


N = 279

N = 111

N = 83

Raw measures

Weight (kg)

25.5 (7.6)

26.8 (8.9)

23.6 (5.8)

Height (cm)

125.0 (9.7)

128.2 (12.1)

123.6 (9.0)

BMI (kg/m2)

16.0 (2.7)

15.9 (2.5)

15.2 (2.0)

Waist circumference (cm)

55.5 (6.6)

56.0 (6.1)

54.2 (4.5)

Hip circumference (cm)

65.7 (8.7)

66.3 (9.2)

63.3 (6.9)

Thigh circumference (cm)

35.7 (5.2)

35.9 (5.5)

34.4 (4.2)

MUAC (cm)

18.7 (3.2)

18.7 (2.9)

17.8 (2.1)

Triceps skinfold (mm)

8.6 (3.8)

8.5 (3.4)

8.0 (2.6)

Subscapular skinfold (mm)

7.2 (3.5)

7.1 (3.0)

6.7 (2.6)

Z scores


−0.34 (0.93)

−0.39 (0.92)

−0.36 (0.89)

BMI-for age

−0.12 (1.20)

−0.26 (1.00)

−0.36 (0.98)

Bioelectrical impedanceb

Total fat percent

20.8 (4.9)

19.9 (3.9)

19.7 (3.6)

Trunk fat percent

14.9 (4.8)

14.0 (3.7)

13.8 (3.5)

Leg fat percent

29.6 (5.0)

28.5 (4.6)

28.7 (4.0)

Arm fat percent

31.1 (4.8)

30.0 (3.8)

30.4 (3.6)

  1. aBMI body mass index, MUAC mid-upper arm circumference, HEU HIV-exposed, uninfected, HUU HIV-unexposed, uninfected
  2. bBioelectrical impedance results missing from 14 HUU children and 2 HEU children because they were less than 7 years