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Table 1 Follow-up of children hospitalised or not with acute bronchiolitis in infancy

From: Acute bronchiolitis in infancy as risk factor for wheezing and reduced pulmonary function by seven years in Akershus County, Norway

Reported at child age seven years

Hospitalised group

Not hospitalised group


RS- (n = 22)

RS+ (n = 35)

95% CIa

Both (n = 57)

Controls (n = 64)

95% CIa

Age, mean (range) at hospitalisation, months

5.9 (0–11)

5.1 (0–9)

-0.8 2.5


Length, mean (range) of hospitalisation, days

4.6 (2–20)

4.8 (2–14)

-2.1 1.8


Birth weight, mean (range), gramsb

3507 (2420–4300)

3506 (2500–4045)

-225.6 228.5

3506 (2420–4300)

3733 (2100–5220)

-425.2 -27.7

Weight, mean (range) at follow-up visit, kg

27.5 (23–42)

28.3 (22–53)

-4.0 2.4

28.0 (22–53)

29.2 (20–45)

-0.8 3.2

Height, mean (range) at follow-up visit, cm

127.7 (118–139)

127.3 (117–146)

-2.8 3.7

127.4 (117–146)

128.6 (115–145)

-1.0 3.4

Age, mean (range) at follow-up visit, months

93.6 (86–101)

92.8 (86–102)

-1.2 2.9

93.1 (86–102)

94.0 (88–99)

-0.4 2.2

No. boys (%)

12 (54)

20 (57)


32 (56)

36 (56)

  1. a 95% confidence interval (CI) of difference between means
  2. b P = 0.023 with independent samples T-test between the hospitalised and not hospitalised group