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Table 4 Ordinal logistic regression estimation without outliers

From: Feeding and smoking habits as cumulative risk factors for early childhood caries in toddlers, after adjustment for several behavioral determinants: a retrospective study

Number of observation = 2395 Caries severity

Log likelihood = -3902.84 OR (SE)

χ 2 = 196.52 p < 0.01p-value (95% CI)

Mean housing cost

21.72 (44.74)

0.13 (0.38 – 1230.24)

Feeding practice

1.54e-12 (3.51e-12)

<0.01 (1.76e-14 – 1.35e-10)

Number of observation = 2395

Log likelihood = -3974.17

χ 2 = 53.86 p < 0.01

Caries severity


p-value ( 95% CI)

Mean housing cost

188162.9 (349924.1)

<0.01 (4915.47 – 7202820)

Smoking habit

116.08 (233.24)

0.02 (2.26 - 5957.48)

Number of observation = 2395

Log likelihood = -3848.88

χ 2 = 304.45 p < 0.01

Caries severity


p-value ( 95% CI)

Mean housing cost

0.10 (0.01)

0.06 (0.00 – 1.01)

Feeding practice

7.36e-19 (2.02e-18)

<0.01 (3.41e-21 – 1.59e-16)

Smoking habit

4.25e+10 (1.033e+11)

<0.01 (3.77e+8 - 4.79e+12)

Number of observation = 2395

Log likelihood = -3852.00

χ 2 = 298.20 p < 0.01

Caries severity


p-value ( 95% CI)

Feeding practice

2.09e-17 (4.99e-17)

<0.01 (1.95e-19 – 2.25e-15)

Smoking habit

5.40e+9 (1.23e+10)

<0.01 (6.129e+7 - 4.63e+11)

  1. Caries severity according to mean housing cost feeding practice and smoking habit.