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Table 1 Laboratory work up in suspected pediatric NAFLD

From: Pediatric non alcoholic fatty liver disease: old and new concepts on development, progression, metabolic insight and potential treatment targets

Laboratory workup

What to rule out

Basic profile: Full blood count, Liver function tests, fasting glucose and insulin, urea and electrolytes, coagulation, INR, iron, ferritin, uric acid


Lipid profile

Dyslipidemia/Familial hypercholesterolemia/ Cholesterol ester storage disease



Glucose tolerance test (OGTT), glycosylated hemoglobin

Insulin resistance/Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2)

Thyroid function tests


Ceruloplasmin level

Wilson Disease

Viral hepatitis panel

Viral - hepatitis (HBV, HCV)

C-Reactive-Protein + consider EBV, CMV immune state profile

Acute systemic disease

Sweat test

Cystic Fybrosis

Anti-Transglutaminase IgA and total IgA

Coeliac disease


Muscular Dystrophy

Alpha-1-antitrypsin serum level

Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

Serum lactate +/− amino and organic acids +/− plasma-free fatty acids +/− acyl carnitine profile

Metabolic diseases (Galactosaemia -in infants-, hereditary fructose intolerance, glycogen storage disease (Type VI and IX), others

Serum Immuniglobulin, Liver autoantibodies

Autoimmune hepatitis

Specific tests as suggested by history, consider:

Drug toxicity, Parenteral Nutrition, Protein malnutrition, others

  1. Laboratory tests in suspected pediatric NAFLD, and correspondent ruled out diseases of other etiology.