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Table 2 Summary of interventions to prevent rhinoviral infection in asthmatic children

From: Respiratory viral infections in children with asthma: do they matter and can we prevent them?



Most likely to be beneficial

Hand Hygiene Immunostimulants (OM-85) Probiotics (specific strains), Prebiotics and Synbiotics Breast milk

Likely to be beneficial

Regular exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep, low psychological stress Prevention of air pollutions and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) Second generation of antihistamines Monoclonal antibodies: Anti IgE, Anti IL-5 Vitamin D, Vitamin A Garlic, zinc, ginseng Interferons

Unknown effectiveness

Montelukast Vitamin C Macrolides Echinacea Antiviral drugs

Unlikely to be beneficial

Mask Vaccination

Likely to be ineffective or harmful

Antibiotics Intensive exercise