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Table 1 Dichotomization of outcome variables of dietary behaviour at young adulthood*.

From: The Terneuzen Birth Cohort. Longer exclusive breastfeeding duration is associated with leaner body mass and a healthier diet in young adulthood

Outcome variable

Unhealthy outcome

Healthy outcome

Breakfast frequency

<5 times/week

≥5 times/week

Meal frequency

<3 times/day

3 times/day

Consumption of fruit

<7 days/week

7 days/week

Consumption of vegetables

<7 days/week

7 days/week

Consumption of fruit or vegetables

<7 days/week

7 days/week

Consumption of fried snacks

> 1 time/week

≤1 time a week

Consumption of other energy-rich snacks

every day

not every day

Consumption of types of snacks

every day

not every day

Consumption of sweet beverages

every day

not every day

Alcohol consumption

>2 glasses/day

≤2 glasses/day

  1. * based on the criteria of the Dutch Nutrition Center (