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Table 3 Education or other services or treatments that child may have received in the past or is currently receiving to meet their needs

From: Perceptions on support, challenges and needs among parents and caregivers of children with developmental disabilities in Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia: a cross-sectional study


N (%)



North Macedonia



What kind of school is your child currently enrolled in?


 - Preschool

 - Public school

 - Private school

 - Special school for children with disabilities

 - Not enrolled in preschool/school

97 (27.64)

120 (34.19)

1 (0.28)

63 (17.95)

70 (19.94)

34 (20.48)

62 (37.35)

3 (1.81)

33 (19.88)

34 (20.48)

70 (42.17)

16 (9.64)

1 (0.60)

34 (20.48)

45 (27.11)

201 (29.43)

198 (28.99)

5 (0.73)

130 (19.03)

149 (21.82)

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001


Does your child receive any additional academic support because of his/her developmental needs?


 - Yes

 - No

205 (58.40)

146 (41.60)

96 (57.83)

70 (42.17)

90 (54.22)

76 (45.78)

391 (57.25)

292 (42.75)



Does your child currently receive any special assistance from the government/city/municipality etc., because of his/her developmental disability?


 - Yes

 - No

225 (64.10)

126 (35.90)

109 (65.66)

57 (34.34)

115 (69.28)

51 (30.72)

449 (65.74)

234 (34.26)



Please indicate what special assistance you receive (multiple answers were allowed):


 - Help from the state

 - Help from the city

 - Help from the county

 - Help from a religious organization

 - Some other help

170 (76.23)

57 (25.56)

12 (5.38)

0 (0.00)

29 (13.00)

95 (88.79)

3 (2.80)

9 (8.41)

1 (0.93)

16 (14.95)

90 (78.26)

8 (6.96)

8 (6.96)

0 (0.00)

23 (20.00)

355 (79.78)

68 (15.28)

146 (32.80)

1 (0.22)

68 (15.28)

< 0.001

< 0.001




Do you or any family member currently participate in any family support, advocacy group or organization because of the child’s developmental disability?


 - Yes

 - No

109 (31.41)

238 (68.59)

30 (18.40)

133 (81.60)

45 (27.11)

121 (72.89)

184 (27.22)

492 (72.78)


< 0.001

To what source(s) do you typically turn to get information about your child’s condition (multiple answer were allowed)?


 - The Internet

 - My child’s primary care physician/pediatrician

 - My child’s teacher

 - Other parents of children with developmental disabilities

 - Experts (i.e. health specialists, therapists) who work with my child)

 - Other

190 (54.76)

169 (48.70)

121 (34.87)

178 (51.30)

245 (70.61)

9 (2.59)

87 (53.37)

78 (47.85)

36 (22.09)

78 (47.85)

95 (58.28)

13 (7.98)

80 (48.19)

72 (43.37)

38 (22.89)

77 (46.39)

133 (80.12)

14 (8.43)

357 (52.81)

319 (47.19)

195 (28.85)

333 (49.26)

473 (67.97)

36 (5.32)



< 0.001


< 0.001

< 0.001

  1. *p-values for chi-square test