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Table 1 Sociodemographic information

From: The role of peer victimization in the physical activity and screen time of adolescents: a cross-sectional study


Females (n = 8904)

Males (n = 9243)

Grade – count (%)


2112 (23.7)

2233 (24.2)


2336 (26.2)

2305 (24.9)


2255 (25.3)

2333 (25.2)


2201 (24.7)

2372 (25.7)

Ethnicity/race – count (%)


6653 (74.7)

6701 (72.5)*


269 (3.0)

420 (4.5)*


522 (5.9)

503 (5.4)


210 (2.4)

257 (2.8)


164 (1.8)

223 (2.4)*


1086 (12.2)

1139 (12.3)

Anticipated education level – count (%)

 High school diploma or graduation equivalency or less

328 (3.7)

471 (5.1)*

 College/trade/vocational certificate

1754 (19.7)

2874 (31.1)*

 University Bachelor’s degree

2317 (26.0)

2289 (24.8)

 Master’s/PhD/law school/medical degree/teachers’ college degree

3212 (36.1)

2410 (26.1)*

 I don’t know

1293 (14.5)

1199 (13.0)*

Weekly spending money – count (%)


1229 (13.8)

1443 (15.6)*


2688 (30.2)

2758 (29.8)


2743 (30.8)

2431 (26.3)*


1205 (13.5)

1572 (17.0)*

 I don’t know

1039 (11.7)

1039 (11.2)

  1. Differences by gender tested via chi-square tests of independence
  2. *indicates significant differences (p < .05) between males and females