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Table 2 Mothers’ actions to help their husbands to quit smoking, at 3-, 6- and 12-month follow-ups (n = 1,483¶)

From: Will mothers of sick children help their husbands to stop smoking after receiving a brief intervention from nurses? Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial




OR (95% CI)

Have advised their husbands to quit smoking

     • 3-month†

441/696 (63.4%)

378/696 (54.3%)

1.46 (1.17, 1.80)***

     • 6-month‡

354/682 (51.9%)

313/671 (46.6%)

1.23 (1.00, 1.53)*

     • 12-month‡

312/667 (46.8%)

296/663 (44.6%)

1.09 (0.88, 1.35)

Have taken action(s) to help their husbands to quit smoking §

     • 3-month†

527/696 (75.7%)

451/696 (64.8%)

1.69 (1.34, 2.14)***

     • 6-month‡

650/682 (66.0%)

330/671 (49.2%)

2.00 (1.61, 2.50)***

     • 12-month‡

349/667 (52.3%)

268/663 (40.4%)

1.62 (1.30, 2.01)***

  1. Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
  2. † Mothers who did not take part in any follow-ups were assumed not to have taken any action to help their husbands to give up.
  3. ‡ Mothers who only responded one or two follow-ups were assumed to have the same responses as those of the previous follow-up (‘carry-forward method’).
  4. § Any of the following actions counted: (1) helping husbands to set a date for giving up; (2) putting up a ‘No Smoking’ sign at home; (3) asking their husbands to read a quit-smoking health education booklet tailor-made for this study; (4) advising them to seek help from healthcare professionals; (5) encouraging them to stop smoking so that their children will be healthier and less likely to become smokers in the future; and (6) discussing matters with them to understand their needs during the quitting process.
  5. ¶ Excluding mothers who reported their husbands had already stopped smoking. Proxy reports of fathers’ smoking status: at 3-month follow-up (91 stopped, 1,392 still smoking); at 6-month follow-up (130 stopped, 1,353 still smoking); at 12-month follow up (153 stopped, 1,330 still smoking).