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Table 2 Interview areas

From: “The Logic of Care” – Parents’ perceptions of the educational process when a child is newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

Focus on education/training

- how was it?

Person / people you remember from the time in the hospital?

- for any reason

The understanding of the implications of the diabetes

- how did you know about the disease?


- difficult to understand?


- support to get an understanding of the disease

Approaches and preparedness

- approach to learning to take blood, measure blood glucose, prepare the "pen" and give insulin injections


- preparedness to care for your child with diabetes during and after leave and discharge

Decision making

- about what is to be learned


- on leave (how was it? /what happened after the leave from the hospital?)


- own ability to influence the care of the child, teaching content and design


- on discharge

Something that could have been done differently?

- most important / most useful of what happened during the hospital stay