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Table 4 Response of patients to second drug that was administered after 6 weeks in case of partial or no response to first drug

From: Clinical profile and treatment of infantile spasms using vigabatrin and ACTH - a developing country perspective

Patient Response to Second Drug

(p = 0. 334)


n = 17 (%)

Vigabatrin ^^

n = 9 (%)

-Complete cessation

5 (29.4)

2 (22.2)

-Partial response

5 (29.4)

5 (55.6)

-No response

7 (41.2)

2 (22.2)

  1. ^ Patients who had initially received Vigabatrin and shown partial or no response to it
  2. ^^ Patients who had initially received ACTH and shown partial or no response to it.