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Table 2 HCPs views on factors affecting physical activity support in clinic

From: Factors affecting the support for physical activity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a national survey of health care professionals’ perceptions


Strongly agree, n (%)

Agree, n (%)

Neither agree nor disagree, n (%)

Disagree, n (%)

Strongly disagree, n (%)

I do not have enough time to discuss physical activity with children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

0 (0%)

16 (14%)

25 (22%)

54 (47%)

19 (17%)

Educational materials about physical activity are inappropriate for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

4 (4%)

18 (16%)

33 (29%)

44 (39%)

15 (13%)

There is a lack of educational opportunities for health professionals regarding physical activity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

8 (7%)

42 (37%)

24 (21%)

37 (32%)

3 (3%)

Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes are unlikely to be motivated to follow advice to be more active

1 (1%)

17 (15%)

34 (30%)

47 (41%)

15 (13%)

I feel confident giving children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes advice on managing blood glucose with physical activity

36 (32%)

57 (50%)

12 (11%)

15 (13%)

3 (3%)