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Table 1 HCPs views and attitudes towards supporting physical activity in clinics. N = 114

From: Factors affecting the support for physical activity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a national survey of health care professionals’ perceptions


Strongly agree, n (%)

Agree, n (%)

Neither agree nor disagree, n (%)

Disagree, n (%)

Strongly disagree, n (%)

Helping children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes to be physically active is part of my clinical role

74 (65%)

33 (29%)

5 (4%)

2 (2%)

0 (0%)

Promoting physical activity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes is seen as important in the clinic that you work in

65 (57%)

37 (32%)

10 (9%)

2 (2%)

0 (0%)

I don't advise children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes about physical activity unless specifically asked by the patient

1 (1%)

6 (5%)

5 (4%)

53 (46%)

49 (43%)

I don't advise children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes about physical activity unless the patient reports difficulties with physical activity

0 (0%)

6 (5%)

4 (4%)

57 (50%)

47 (41%)

I have sufficient knowledge to advise children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes about physical activity

30 (26%)

62 (54%)

15 (13%)

5 (4%)

2 (2%)

I try to encourage children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes to increase their physical activity levels

42 (37%)

58 (51%)

11 (10%)

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

When physical activity is discussed, advice is given to children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes on managing blood glucose

81 (71%)

30 (26%)

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

Blood glucose management during exercise is included as part of the ongoing education programme for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

76 (67%)

33 (29%)

4 (4%)

1 (1%)

0 (0%)